If you have suffered a personal injury, you'll be looking for answers to your questions. When it comes to understanding the claims process and entitlement to compensation, you'll naturally want the best team on board. At Bott & Co, we're here to make life better by ensuring claims are resolved sympathetically, speedily and efficiently. Our success record with personal injury claims has made us
Declan Wright — Bit of a joke. You can't get through to the staff on the phones. If you press an option other than new claims you are mostly
Chafes solicitors can help you with both your personal and business legal needs. Our dedicated team of specialists are here to help with every aspect of your life - from care and adoption proceedings to organising your will. For business clients, we will guide you from your company's inception through its growth and beyond. We are a North West firm with both local and national clients. We have four
Aaron Davies — What a breath of fresh air! Having suffered at the hands of a highly incompetent firm of conveyancers called Taylor Rose
This niche claimant personal injury practice looks after clients whose injuries range from the straightforward to those of maximum severity. It is particularly recognised for its handling of Armed Forces accidents worldwide, the high profile of a number of its cases and the compensation recovered. The firm has won numerous awards that have been recognised throughout the industry.
Kill Switchh — Poor quality of service, often chasing my own evidence, lack of communication throughout various people leaving without letting