Trademark Eagle simple trademark process becomes quick and straight forward it also ensures that your application is filled in for relevant registration category. With free trademark searches to check any potential conflicts.
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- London, Cambridge
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Whatever your particular legal concern, the Trademark Eagle team will do everything in their power to ensure that your trademark journey is as easy and efficient as possible. With decades of experience in trademark registration, and countless successful trademark registrations and dealing with contentious matters including filing and defending trademark oppositions and cease and desist work, Trademark Eagle has extensive expertise amongst its expert Team.
We register trademarks anywhere in the world and have years of experience assisting our clients in international protection. Many of our customers ask us, is it possible to purchase a single worldwide trademark to be employed across the globe? The simple answer is no - trademark rights are territorial and national marks cannot be relied upon outside of their jurisdiction.
At Trademark Eagle, we ensure that all our services are delivered at a reasonable price. Our registration fees are amongst the lowest on the market, and there are no hidden costs. The UK and EU trademarks are now separate and you will need to file in both the UK and EU to obtain protection in both jurisdictions.
We maintain a record of all trademarks we file on a specialist trademark management database and we use this to collate our figures. The success rate is determined by the number of trademarks we file that proceed to registration anywhere in the world. Trademarks that have had an opposition filed against them, but the proceedings are not as yet complete.
Our customer testimonials provide you with an overview of the services you can expect from us. Every client is important, and we offer a full range of services from advising on trademark applications anywhere in the world, through to dealing with objections to trademarks and complex disputes and we are proud of our high success rates in all spheres of our work.
Reviews (14)
Jamie T.
Jun 24, 2022
Kirsty M.
Apr 18, 2022
Carrs Main
Mar 24, 2022
Serena G. Sense & Forum
Jan 17, 2022
Lindsay Birtles
Jan 02, 2022
Having looked to register the trademark ourselves and getting lost in the jargon it was great to find Trademark Eagle via a quick Google search. One phone call to Matthew and our requirements were met and sorted, all for a very reasonable fee. Matthew kept us up to date and was a pleasure to deal with. We will definitely be back in the future and really recommend him to anyone looking for an easy, stress-free way to trademark their products.
Stephen Jameson
Nov 17, 2021
Dave Holloway
Nov 07, 2021
Rachel Jackson
Sep 05, 2021
I applied for my first trademark by myself directly with the trademark office as lots of people told me that it was a simple process and easy to do. However, I received an objection letter for what, I now understand to be quite a simple error on my part. Receiving a solicitor's letters through the post really spooked me and highlighted that I didn't have enough knowledge of the whole process.
So even though it was additional expense I went with Trademark Eagles when I re-applied. Having Trademark Eagles on my side to help with the whole process gave me complete peace of mind. They were so lovely to deal with when I had questions and kept me up to date with the process. I highly recommend.
So even though it was additional expense I went with Trademark Eagles when I re-applied. Having Trademark Eagles on my side to help with the whole process gave me complete peace of mind. They were so lovely to deal with when I had questions and kept me up to date with the process. I highly recommend.
Darren Hawkins
Mar 18, 2021
Natasha was amazing, she took her time to explain step by step the trademark process. As I was a newbie to Trademarks she really helped me and made the whole process so much more easier for me. The application trademark has now been filed which was done very quickly thanks to Natasha. I can't recommend this company and Natasha enough. Highly recommended! place to go if looking at applying for a trademark! Maria I've health care Ltd
Angela Forrest. Blyton Ponds
Intelligent Band Limited
Optimum Design UK Limited
Our experience with Trademark Eagle has been excellent, we had previously used our own solicitors to process Trademark applications, but having found Trademark Eagle on line, the process has not only been quicker but has been substantially cheaper too, as such i would not hesitate to recommend their services
Joyshare Limited
Bodytonic Limited
One word... Amazing!!! The team were professional, honest and very keen to help. After several conversations they helped us change our final company name and file with IPO.... Then after three months we got the trademark with no issues at all. Absolutely amazing and worth every penny. They prevented us using a company name which wouldn't have passed IPO, saving us so much time and money. Perfect!